Social Policy

The company is dedicated to balancing between its economic, social, and environmental values. The company strives to become a Good Corporate Citizen that leads sustainable business growth while maintaining ethical and socially responsible practices to yield efficient returns to shareholders. The Company will take all of the following into account:

Social Responsibility Policy

The policy has been executed accordingly:

1. Ethical Business Practices

  • The company’s business is transparent, and fair. All important information can be examined.
  • Business is run with respect to the Social Responsibility Policies while maintaining an equilibrium of economic, social, and environmental sensitivity.
  • The company strictly complies with the environmental, occupational health, and safety laws. The company strongly urges all personnel to abide by these laws and avoid taking any action that can be deemed as breaking or bending the law, or any other company rules.
  • The company does not support any action that is considered violating intellectual property.
  • The company supports it’s personnel to use resources in the most efficient manners.

2. Fighting Corruption

The company operates transparently and fairly to resist any corruption that may arise through its Anti-Corruption Policy to aid with trustworthy business transactions.

3. Respect of Human Rights

The company strives to bring forth equality in judgment for all races, genders, ages, religions, status, or other factors that do not directly relate to an employee’s ability to work.

4. Employee Fairness

The company will create a workplace where everyone is content and is accepting of each other, where employees may work as family without taking advantage of each other. The company will set salaries that are fair with the appropriate incentive. The company also supports all our workers to grow by providing various skill classes to teach our employees at every level.

5. Customer Responsibility

The company manages our products and services ethically and are always kept up to standard.

6. Taking Care of the Environment

The company pays close attention to its community and immediate surrounding area, as it is also part of that community. The company will strive to develop the area’s environment, and spare no effort to maintain a good relationship with the current residents so it may continue to do business with the community’s approval.

7. Developing the Community

The company will run its business in a way that aims to bolster the economy and its society while strictly complying to the law. The company is motivated to develop and increase the quality of life of the community around the company.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The company will create a culture that ensures everyone realizes the dangers of corruption by building good values and trust in all parties to resist corruption. Further details are as follows:


Prohibits any board of director, manager, or any employee of any level to abuse their power or break any law to gain unworthy benefits in any way (For example demand, accept, or present capital or other benefits to government officials or individuals that do business with the company).


The act of giving or accepting presents should not be considered equivalent to giving, accepting, or requesting for incentives or any other benefits that could be considered corruption. If it is necessary, giving or accepting gifts should be reasonable, kept transparent, and devoid of any hidden meanings or business dealings.


Every step of creating a contract or using the company’s money must be transparent and must have clear evidence of its purpose attached, along with the approval from any respective personnel.


The Anti-Corruption Policy is communicated to employees at every level within the company, including during training and through various internal communication devices.


Set up appropriate channels to allow anyone to notify suspicions or acts of corruption. The notifier will strictly remain anonymous and will receive the appropriate protection to avoid any unfair punishments. The company will also appoint personnel to investigate every report of corruption to ensure the validity and truth of the claims.


The company will continue to develop its Anti-Corruption Policy to keep it relevant to any new laws regarding moral code. This is done by continually inspecting the risk of any activity that could be considered corruption, as well as continually coming up with the appropriate respective preventive measures.

Social Performance

The company realizes the importance of its social impact and has decided to take the following actions:

Employee Relationships

The company has a policy to promote collaboration among all employees within a happy working environment and mutual acceptance, with practices towards employees at all levels akin to siblings, devoid of favoritism or discrimination, including in employee care. The company fairly determines compensation and provides suitable benefits. In the year 2023, the company had a voluntary turnover rate of 2.02%, which increased from the previous year, 2022.


The company continuously develops and improves its production processes to ensure that customers receive good quality products and to respond to customer satisfaction responsibly, honestly, and ethically in business operations. In the year 2023, the company achieved a customer satisfaction rate of 97% and received no significant complaints from customers.


The company conducts its business with responsibility towards the community and society by adhering to a policy of social responsibility based on ethical principles. It places importance on environmental impact and avoids actions that may have negative repercussions on surrounding communities. In the year 2023, there were no complaints from the community regarding social or environmental issues.

Safety, Occupational Health,
and Workplace Environment

The company has continuously developed and improved its efficiency, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and customer specifications related to environmental, occupational health, and safety standards, as well as other organizational requirements. This is aimed at reducing the risk of illness, injury, or death, and appropriately caring for the quality of life of employees or workers. In the year 2023, there were no cases of work-related fatalities.


(At December 31, 2023)

Details Number of employees (persons) male Number of employees (persons) female Total
Permanent employee 309 259 568
Person with disability employee 4 2 6
Total 313 261 574